Instant Brine Treat: Decapsulated Brine Shrimp Eggs
100% Embryo nutrient retained. Brine shrimp eggs ready to feed!
- No light required
- No saltwater required
- No 12-24 hour waiting required
- No egg shells to remove
- No unhatched eggs to separate
- No uncertain quality checks
- No Brine Shrimp Embryo Energy lost in hatching
- No matching vessel required
- Spoon supplied
- Floats
- Very slow sinking, perfect for mid swimmer fry
- Sinks (when you gently immerse the eggs before feeding in 1mm water)
- 100% of Brine Shrimp Embryo Nutrients
- No brine shrimp shells causing bloat killing fish fry
- Stable for up to 24 hours in aquarium
- Equivalent to 3x the weight of unhatched Brine Shrimp Eggs